01 November 2008


I know...believe me, I know. It's been nearly an eternity since I last blogged, and my apologies necessarily follow. Things have been busy, and I really haven't had a whole lot to say I thought was worth your reading...until now.

Have you ever loved someone so much you don't know what you don't know what to do with yourself? I mean, a love so strong it hurts when the person isn't around? A love that the world couldn't dissuade you from? So what happens when you have that kind of love for a person you don't see but for a few times per year? What happens when you know you have to be away from your love for extended periods of time, because you're trying to make things better in the future? Life sucks, that's what happens.

So what do you do? You can never be busy enough, never hang out with others often enough, never have enough things to do to take your mind away from how much it hurts to not be with the person you love. So what is left? What I've discovered over the past year and a half (or so), is that the key isn't trying to distract your attention with you work, but to recognize the distance. If anything, I've learned that my love has grown exponentially since I've been apart from T. Why is this the case? I think it's because I spend so much time away from her, that when I do see T, it literally changes my world - every time I see her.

So...what do you do when you can't be with the person you love so much it hurts to be away from? Well...you recognize that you can't be with that person. Furthermore, you realize that the time you spend with that person is more valuable than anything you'll ever know in your lifetime, and cherish every second you have with him/her. Finally, make the time you spend with your significant other (by the way, I hate that term, but whatever...it works) more meaningful than you can make anything else. After all, if the person is really the person you love more than anything, then the time you spend with them should also be more meaningful than anything else, right? The interesting thing about this whole situation: if your person really is the person you love more than anything else, the time you spend with him or her will naturally be the best time of your life - each and every time. Love is a great thing, isn't it?

So, don't be afraid to love just because you don't see your lover (again...a stigmatized term, but once again, it works) isn't with you every day. If anything, the distance will strengthen your attraction toward each other, will make the time you spend together more meaningful than you can possibly imagine, and will overall benefit your relationship more than you can possibly understand. Take it from someone who knows, distance isn't necessarily a bad thing so long as it's not permanent.

I love T more than anything, despite the distance between us on a regular basis. I can't wait to see her again in November, and I promise - the time we spend together will be nothing less than awesome.

Don't be afraid to love, and when you finally find the person who's worth loving, love them with all your heart and without reservation. Period.


Jaime said...

I wish I felt that way about someone. You're very fortunate.

Anonymous said...

"Love those people who deserve it like there's no tomorrow, because, when you get right down to it, there isn't." ;-)

Anonymous said...

Excellent advice.....and thank you.