24 February 2008


Hm...so I just read my friend's blog and now I feel like a complete waste of a friend. In her blog, she discussed the fact that sometimes friends say that they'll stay around for the long haul, but rarely does that actually end up happening. I hate it when I read things like that...even if they aren't entirely directed in my general direction, it always hits home, makes me wonder who else might be thinking such things about me, and that bothers me...a lot.

I've moved around a lot in my 23 years. My dad was in the Navy until I was nearly 17 years old, which means that we moved around every 4 years or so to a new place, something that I've continued to do with college and graduate school, even though my parents have since retired. While it is nice being able to say that I've lived in 5 different states, 2 countries, went to two middle schools, two high schools, and countless elementary schools, it's less nice to have to admit that I don't have what most people call "close friends." No no, this isn't a session where I discuss how hard it is to be me, not by any means. However, one thing that I do understand is my friend's comment about how friends disappear. You'd think that my familiarity with the topic would mean that I try especially hard to make sure that I'm not one of those people, sadly you'd be mistaken.

In any event, enough with the downers for the evening - I refuse to be "that guy," at least right now. My point, yes there was one, in all this verbiage, is that we should really understand what it means to call someone else a friend, even more for those we call "close friends" or "best friends." Remember what that means, both to you and your friend, and don't let that slip away...life is too short to not keep in touch with as many people and friends as humanly possible.

Ok...in other news, I spent entirely too much on groceries this evening - something that happens routinely. As it turns out, when you attempt to eat more healthily it's a lot more expensive...c'est la vie, no?

Have a good night, be healthy, and go call a friend.


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