24 February 2008

Jason the Teacher...

Well, it's been a while since my last post...my apologies. I've found that I want the things on this blog to be worth reading, and well, let's be honest, I generally don't have much to say that people want to read. That being the case, I haven't been updating this blog because I really have nothing of any importance to say. But today I've come to a realization...no one reads this blog anyway, so I can ramble on about nothing and it all will be well in the world.

In other news, I'm going to be a teacher, scary huh? Here in graduate school we have assistantships, so we graduate students can survive...you know, with food, rent...things like that. Anyway, these assistantships are of varying importance and amounts, the highest of which is known as a teaching fellowship. Two weeks ago, I applied for such a fellowship. Last week I found out that I was one of seven people chosen for the fellowship, so I should be happy, right? Well, there's a catch...along with the money and apparent prestige, I have to teach...like, for real teaching. I'll be solely responsible for nearly 140 students each semester, for two semesters. I have to lecture, test, field questions, and everything else that a professor does...all by myself. To be honest, I'm not really sure how I feel about this new responsibility (which, in and of itself is a nearly 40-hour per week job, in addition to 9 hours of classes and 25-30 hours of homework/project work per week and has effectively doubled my workload...awesome!), but I'm slightly afraid, increasingly excited, and...also a big nonchalant about it all. On the plus side, it's guaranteed to spur new ideas for blogs.

In still other news, I was contacted by a former significant other this evening via Facebook. As I'm sure you'll come to find, I'm not what you'd call a fan of Facebook. Quite the opposite rather, I've come to despise the program and yet am unable to cancel and delete my account with it - too many people that like to "keep in touch" through it...whatever happened to phone calls, e-mails, and regular old mail I'll never know. In any case, this former girlfriend sent me a private message and proceeded to complain about the status of her life, or rather, of a few events that are taking place in her life right now. I'm not entirely sure why she thinks I needed to know about these things, but I'm not entirely sure that I should be concerned with them, or her for that matter. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy chatting with people, and don't mind listening to the things going on in their lives and, when requested, offering insights and comments that I hope aren't too destructive. However, when people begin to take advantage of that, it bothers me. When people only talk to me because they know I'll listen/read, it bothers me...so stop it.

And in even more news, I spent an entire day writing two 2-page essays...yes that's right, an entire day. Awesome, huh? Yep, I'm pretty impressed with myself. After beginning my essays at 10am, I did my wash, the dishes, had lunch, watched a movie, and hung around until around 4pm when I actually sat down to write my essays. After spending two hours of "deep thought" I decided that I was done with my writing, and ate dinner and played Mario 3 for a few hours....nearly beat it but alas, it wasn't meant to be...at least not tonight. And now...now I'm writing this blog in the hopes of wasting more time...feel free to congratulate me on a job well done.

And now...now I'm done. I've sufficiently rambled on for too long, likely lost your interest, and am now talking to no one but myself. Have a good night, world. Until next time...


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