26 February 2008


Good afternoon friends and readers.

Have you ever had a discussion about ethics? Specifically your ethics, and the ethics of whoever happens to be in close proximity to you at the time of the discussing. I'm sure that you have, and if not, perhaps you should, you learn a lot about both yourself and other people when discussing your (and consequently their) ethics.

I had an ethics conversation in one of my courses today. Let me just say this: I've had plenty of prior discussions regarding my ethics in the past, have even taken an ethics course in my undergraduate years, and haven't had a problem with it. Today's conversation; however, was different. Something I've learned over the past few years is that my set of ethics doesn't exactly flow with what everyone else seems to think and feel.

As a psychologist-to-be, I've been taught how to conduct research properly - what to look for, what to ask, how to address that question and phenomenon, etc. However, our ethics, and the ethics of the "powers that be" which governs what I do (in my case it's the APA, my University, and my professors) will obviously limit what we can do. Generally speaking, this is thought to be a good thing, however, I beg to differ.

Obviously there are times when research goes too far (for clear examples, look up the Nazi Medical Experiments conducted throughout the Holocaust and WWII). However, I feel as though there are times where there are harms and dangers that may happen to participants of research. This isn't always a bad thing, at least not to me. Naturally, we don't want to go around harming people if we can help it, but there are times, I believe, where such attempts are both unnecessary and actually hinder one's research. Please note that in saying such things I don't necessarily condone violence between persons, not in the least. My point is that I think society is overly protective of its own, so much so that we miss out on opportunities to learn more about ourselves and advance the fields in which we work.

Does this go with the flow? Hardly. Does that mean that I'm wrong? Well, I, of course, would say no. Does it mean that I'm right? Decidedly not, as most colleagues and "powers that be" are quick to point out to me - we are ALWAYS to keep the best interests of humanity in mind (though it would appear that the only "best interests" that we should concern ourselves with are those of the immediate type, never mind any potential benefits that might arise in the long-term). I don't mean to be overly critical; the APA, my University, and my Professors do, for the most part, allow all manner of research to proceed; however, there would be, at least in my opinion, much more research that would and could be done should we look at things from a different standpoint.

Furthermore, it seems to me that such banned research is actually socially reinforced! Not directly, of course, but in a roundabout way I believe that I'm correct. Think about it - no research is ever completely discarded; even if nothing is found the study can still be references, for replication or to show how not to do things, but it is used nonetheless. I feel as though this banned research is of no exception. Have we learned nothing from any of the studies of yesteryear that could not be conducted presently? Of course we have, so we disagree with how certain research is conducted, why it was conducted, and everything related to that research, but we'll still use the results, at least in some manner. Sure, a few practitioners might go to jail, pay a fine, or meet some other ill-regarded consequence, but in the end, it might be worth it.

Alright, I'm done rambling - for now. I'm sure that more will follow at a later date, but for now, you've had a glimpse into my ethical standpoint as it relates to research. I'll never say that you should believe what I do, but I will ask that you at least consider it before saying that my thoughts are detrimental to society and that I shouldn't be allowed to conduct research.

Thanks for stopping by! Until next time,


24 February 2008


Hm...so I just read my friend's blog and now I feel like a complete waste of a friend. In her blog, she discussed the fact that sometimes friends say that they'll stay around for the long haul, but rarely does that actually end up happening. I hate it when I read things like that...even if they aren't entirely directed in my general direction, it always hits home, makes me wonder who else might be thinking such things about me, and that bothers me...a lot.

I've moved around a lot in my 23 years. My dad was in the Navy until I was nearly 17 years old, which means that we moved around every 4 years or so to a new place, something that I've continued to do with college and graduate school, even though my parents have since retired. While it is nice being able to say that I've lived in 5 different states, 2 countries, went to two middle schools, two high schools, and countless elementary schools, it's less nice to have to admit that I don't have what most people call "close friends." No no, this isn't a session where I discuss how hard it is to be me, not by any means. However, one thing that I do understand is my friend's comment about how friends disappear. You'd think that my familiarity with the topic would mean that I try especially hard to make sure that I'm not one of those people, sadly you'd be mistaken.

In any event, enough with the downers for the evening - I refuse to be "that guy," at least right now. My point, yes there was one, in all this verbiage, is that we should really understand what it means to call someone else a friend, even more for those we call "close friends" or "best friends." Remember what that means, both to you and your friend, and don't let that slip away...life is too short to not keep in touch with as many people and friends as humanly possible.

Ok...in other news, I spent entirely too much on groceries this evening - something that happens routinely. As it turns out, when you attempt to eat more healthily it's a lot more expensive...c'est la vie, no?

Have a good night, be healthy, and go call a friend.


Jason the Teacher...

Well, it's been a while since my last post...my apologies. I've found that I want the things on this blog to be worth reading, and well, let's be honest, I generally don't have much to say that people want to read. That being the case, I haven't been updating this blog because I really have nothing of any importance to say. But today I've come to a realization...no one reads this blog anyway, so I can ramble on about nothing and it all will be well in the world.

In other news, I'm going to be a teacher, scary huh? Here in graduate school we have assistantships, so we graduate students can survive...you know, with food, rent...things like that. Anyway, these assistantships are of varying importance and amounts, the highest of which is known as a teaching fellowship. Two weeks ago, I applied for such a fellowship. Last week I found out that I was one of seven people chosen for the fellowship, so I should be happy, right? Well, there's a catch...along with the money and apparent prestige, I have to teach...like, for real teaching. I'll be solely responsible for nearly 140 students each semester, for two semesters. I have to lecture, test, field questions, and everything else that a professor does...all by myself. To be honest, I'm not really sure how I feel about this new responsibility (which, in and of itself is a nearly 40-hour per week job, in addition to 9 hours of classes and 25-30 hours of homework/project work per week and has effectively doubled my workload...awesome!), but I'm slightly afraid, increasingly excited, and...also a big nonchalant about it all. On the plus side, it's guaranteed to spur new ideas for blogs.

In still other news, I was contacted by a former significant other this evening via Facebook. As I'm sure you'll come to find, I'm not what you'd call a fan of Facebook. Quite the opposite rather, I've come to despise the program and yet am unable to cancel and delete my account with it - too many people that like to "keep in touch" through it...whatever happened to phone calls, e-mails, and regular old mail I'll never know. In any case, this former girlfriend sent me a private message and proceeded to complain about the status of her life, or rather, of a few events that are taking place in her life right now. I'm not entirely sure why she thinks I needed to know about these things, but I'm not entirely sure that I should be concerned with them, or her for that matter. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy chatting with people, and don't mind listening to the things going on in their lives and, when requested, offering insights and comments that I hope aren't too destructive. However, when people begin to take advantage of that, it bothers me. When people only talk to me because they know I'll listen/read, it bothers me...so stop it.

And in even more news, I spent an entire day writing two 2-page essays...yes that's right, an entire day. Awesome, huh? Yep, I'm pretty impressed with myself. After beginning my essays at 10am, I did my wash, the dishes, had lunch, watched a movie, and hung around until around 4pm when I actually sat down to write my essays. After spending two hours of "deep thought" I decided that I was done with my writing, and ate dinner and played Mario 3 for a few hours....nearly beat it but alas, it wasn't meant to be...at least not tonight. And now...now I'm writing this blog in the hopes of wasting more time...feel free to congratulate me on a job well done.

And now...now I'm done. I've sufficiently rambled on for too long, likely lost your interest, and am now talking to no one but myself. Have a good night, world. Until next time...


11 February 2008

It could always be worse

Okay sports fans...this is going to be a short post as it's pushing midnight and I'm tired.

So...as you know I'm in a long-term, long-distance relationship right now. I find that as time goes on it gets increasingly difficult to be away from T, and can't say that it's something I'd wish upon anyone...except for one aspect: the strength of my relationship. The relationship that I'm currently in is unequivocally the strongest and most fulfilling one that I've been in during my 23 years of existence. Why is this? Well, it takes different kinds of people to survive these kinds of relationships, it takes open lines of communications, and of course, enormous amounts of trust and love. It's my belief that many relationships, for whatever reason(s), do not have all of these things and as such they aren't nearly as strong as my own. Life, for me and T, could be worse.

Additionally, T and I are VERY busy in our respective programs of study that we're in. It sucks, a lot. Not being able to enjoy yourself because you've got so much work to do is not good and certainly isn't any fun. Not being able to talk to each other some nights because there's more work than can physically be done in a 24-hour day isn't any fun. Getting irritated with one another because we're frustrated because we can't see/talk as often as we'd like isn't any fun. However, it could be worse. We could have a horrible relationship; one in which we didn't trust each other and felt that we needed to talk on a daily basis not for the pleasure of talking with one another, but to check up on each other and make things were still okay. Things could be worse.

My point isn't that things aren't bad right now. My point isn't that life can't have it's downfalls. My point is that while it may seem as if life sucks and the good times are a distant past and unseen in the future, things can always be worse. Believe me, I never liked "that kid" who used to say such things; it always made it seem as if s/he was minimizing my troubles and/or concerns in order to maximize his/her own, but rest assured, I mean no such thing. Yes, life might not be all laughs and fun right now; however, the hard work and apparent suffering that we're putting into life right now will, or at the very least should, pay off in the end, making life more enjoyable and fun...or at least that's the hope.

So chin up, keep a smile on your face (most of the time), and push through the hard times in life, always keeping two things in mind: good times are ahead, and things could always be worse.


06 February 2008

Minor irritations

Hey all - sorry it's been so long since my last blog entry...just haven't really been sure of what to write. But fear not, I haven't forgotten about my blogging responsibilities!

Ok, so I have a minor tuft with people today. Today is my birthday...emphasis there on the "my" part. It's my understanding that different people celebrate their birthdays in different ways. If this is the case, does this also include the lack of celebrating one's birthday? I believe this to be the case, and as such, I feel that it is well within my birthday celebration rights, to refrain from celebrating. For whatever reason, my lack of a celebratory mood seems to bother people, but I can't understand why. Everyone enjoys celebrating their birthday, as they are free to do, but just because they enjoy celebrating their birthday doesn't necessarily mean that I, too, have to enjoy celebrating my birthday. I was informed today that this makes me a "Grinch," but again, I don't understand why. I'm not prohibiting anyone else from partaking in a celebration, in fact I welcome them to. I don't downplay the importance of their birthday; it's an important time in one's life; unless of course, you are like myself, in which case your birthday means nothing more to you than the days both before and after it.

My apologies for venting, but I'm getting irritated by peoples' lack of respect for how I choose to celebrate my birthday. So please, celebrate your birthday as you will, I'll even join in the festivities, so long as they are not for my own birthday.

Happy birthday to me
